75 cm, oil on canvas

Many of us heard of families where verbal or physical abuse was a daily occurrence. Where the communication between father and mother had snapped and they could not interact in an orderly manner. Beacause of what they heard and saw at home, the children's lives were wrecked the most. The four walls of the home became a pain. This pain lasts far beyond the occasion. The children are mostly carrying it throughout thei entire life. As adults, some of them might become intellectually flawed, unstable and incapable of building a healthy relationship...

...but once upon a time there might have been a paradisial condition. Once upon a time, their parents might have been in love, respecting (?) each other...but that love got lost somewhere along the way.

          This painting is about these families. It is meant to suggest a warning that with our words (and acts) we can push each other into the deepest bottom instead of the dazzling and magnificent heights.